Sponsor Hadith Compendium | Al-Minhaj al-Sawi


This sponsorship is based on Sadaqah Jariyah – a continuous charity. If you sponsor publication and FREE distribution of “Al-Minhaj Al-Sawi” in English or any of our Books you will be rewarded throughout your life and even after your death as long as the sponsored Hadith compendium or the books are read and benefit the readers.

Therefore we invite you to take part in sponsorship for publishing and distribution of Hadith compendium “Al-Minhaj Al-Sawi” in English. You may sponsor as little as £100. If you have any inquiries or questions, please email us at info@minhajpublications.com.

The following table will illustrates how copies your sponsorship amount will enable us to publish:

Amount Number of copies to be published
£200 5
£400 10
£800 20
£1000 25
£2000 50


99 in stock

Sponsor Hadith Compendium | Al-Minhaj al-Sawi

99 in stock